Lighthouse Reef;
is right on the border between Moz and SA and therefore is not a reef that is allowed to be dived being on the border.
The officials get rather uptight on the parksboard side (SA) if they see boats in the vicinity.
No info
diving a big "NO NO, Verboten" |
Atlantis dive site;
38m down to 47m and about 300 m long and lies about 3 kms off shore.
Atlantis is for experienced divers.
Due to the depth of this reef it is not dived very much, therefore not a lot is known about this reef.
This reef is so far offshore that the current and visibility is unpredictable.
.Doodles dive site;
This reef is between 15 - 17 metres deep.
Doodles is a thrilling dive experience with a large variety of marine life that can be found around the reef. Marine life to be seen include, a variety of game fish,
moral eels,
mantis shrimp, Octopus, potato bass and rays.
Doodles is Ponta Do Ouro's "house reef" as it is about a 10 minute boat ride to this reef.
The reef consists of sandstone with very little hard coral, but more soft coral and sponges as decorations.
Doodles is by far the busiest reef in Ponta Do Ouro.
This abundance of food attracts various game fish and shark species.
The sharks most seen here are zambezi or bull sharks. honeycomb rays, sand sharks and Potato Bass
are also to be seen.
A small reef very similar in shape and size as that of Bass City.
Plenty of seagrass on the reef and lots of small things to see. Ghost Pipe Fish, Nudibranchs, eels, plenty of lion fish/devil fire fish as well as potatoe bass.
Being between Doodles and Checkers, lots of what you see on Doodles you will see on Blacks.
This reef is suitable for all level of divers. The average depth is 15m with a maximum of 18m. |
Steve's Ledge;
This is a thin reef and an extension of Steps, and is 19m deep in places. The average depth on this reef is 14 to 16 m.
There are quite a few of the Rock Cod or Grouper found on this reef.
On a day with a strong south to north current it is a good starting point for dives leading onto Steps.
Checkers has a depth of 15 -18 m.
The variety of fish species on this reef is astounding.
Rays are frequent visitors to this reef |
Brents Ridge;
This reef together with Cloudbreak & Malongane Ledge are reefs that are not commonly dived as they are very deep and can drop to 50m plus. The reefs when dived are dived by the tech divers who would do it on rebreathers etc. Beyond the level of recreational diving.
Steps is about 13m at the top and falls with overhangs and cracks to about 16m at the sand.
This reef is quite narrow (10 to 20m), and runs for about 4km along the inside of Ponta Do Ouro Bay.
This reef is ideal to dive on days when the current is strong, because of its length.
The reef thins and then opens up so that when you dive it you are met with sections where not much happens
and other sections that are a hive of action.
5.The Creche dive site;
This reef is between 10 - 12 metres deep and is an ideal reef for novice divers
and those divers who enjoy an open water shallow reef dive.
It got it's name from the abundance and wide variety of juvenile fish that can be seen and that occupy the reef.
The reef is made-up of different sized boulders or rocks on a sandy bottom.
The shallow depth and proximity to land makes this reef best dived when the swell is not running.
A reef with numerous gullies, crevices and sandy patches.
A prospect not to be missed where there are huge amounts of fish life - black cheek moray eels, honeycomb morays, lionfish and large rays are just some of the examples If you want to explore and see pinnacle rocks, sand gullies, plate coral and a variety of fish life especially rays and scorpion fish then this is the reef to experience.
This reef is suitable for all levels of divers. The average depth of this site is 12 meters with a maximum of 14 meters.
Malongane Ledge;
This reef together with Cloudbreak & Brents are reefs that are not commonly dived as they are very deep and can drop to 50m plus. The reefs when dived are dived by the tech divers who would do it on rebreathers etc. Beyond the level of recreational diving.
Three Sisters
dive site;
This reef lies further out than the others reefs and is between 21 - 25 metres deep, with excellent visibility. It got it's name from 3 pinnacles about 50 metres apart from each other. There is an abundance of marine life here including lionfish, moray eels and also Manta rays.
This reef is similar to aquarium as it is quite small.
Due to the depth and its location some rare sightings of the big game fish species like sail fish and black marlin have been reported here.
Three Sisters is known for the contrast between the darkness of the reef, the white sand and the blue indian ocean water. |
Cloud Break dive site;
35 - 38 m deep and is a long flat reef made up of big "square blocks" with a ledge that runs along
the out- to- seaside.
Like the Pinnacles, this reef also attracts the game fish and therefore attracting the sharks.
Because this reef runs in a similar depth to the Pinnacles, the currents are sometimes unpredictable.
This reef is best during summer.
Aquarium dive site; 25 m.
This is a large boulder similar to Mavericks and is hollow inside, on the bottom it has big "windows" to look into.
Aquarium is surrounded by small rocky outcrops that house delicate black corals inside the cavity and outside teems with colourful reef fish.
It is also home to territorial white & purple leaf fish clinging onto the rocks with their pectoral fins.
This small but amazing reef lies in 25m of water. Although this reef is small it is one of the prettiest reefs by far. |
Anchor dive site: 18 - 20m deep.
This reef got it's name from the anchor at the southern inshore end of Kev's Ledge.
There are
also 2 parallel ledges with an wide variety and abundance of marine and reef life.
This is a long pretty stretch of reef with the southern part the most interesting.
There are a lot of hard and soft corals to look at as well as the odd Anemone and its Clown Fish or family of Domino Fish.
During Whale season you can hear whalesongs on this reef. |
3. Shallow Malongane dive site:
This reef stretches about 3km, almost the whole length of Malongane Bay .
It has many gullies and caves that you can explore, with a lot of corals and plentiful marine life.
This reef starts, on the inshore side, at about 16m and makes its way up to about 13m, before it fades into the sand
at 17m on the seaward side.
This whole reef is covered with pristine hard and soft corals. Large areas are covered by Stag Horn Coral.
Due to its shallow depth and proximity to the beach, this reef is a perfect playground for Juvenile Fish and game fish alike.
Juvenile Pickhandle Barracuda can be see on the inshore side patrolling for their next catch.
Spotted Eagle Rays can also be seen gliding over the sand. |
Kev's Ledge dive site:
This is a 6m rocky ledge and is similar to a wall dive. There is also abundant marine life.
This reef ranges from 19m to 25m on the sand. It is the only 'wall dive' in Ponta Do Ouro with a big over hang on
the bottom where you sometimes find the Hawksbill Turtle sleeping. Many different species of nudibranch are found here.
There is a big mound of Maze Coral at the entrance of the overhang that protects the Juvenile Fish.
Kev's ledge comes to a point where all the bigger fish congregate and face the current. |
Bread Loaf dive site: 10 -15 metres deep.
This is a reef with rock pinnacles, sand gullies, coral and a variety of marine life like rays and scorpion fish |
Ridge dive site: 12 - 16m deep.
This reef has a ledge that is about 4 m high with a lot of both hard and soft coral in beautiful profusion. There is also a on this reef.
There is a lot of marine life including turtles and kingfish and a variety of other marine life..
Wayne's World
Part of the Malongane's deep reef system, this reef lies in 25 m of water.
Wayne's World has a large swim through and more often than not you will find the resident Potato Bass lurking
in the shadows.
Rianna's Arch dive site: 18 - 24m deep.
Experience the thrill of swimming through the magnificent arch on the northern side of Kev's Ledge.
This is a dive site that is rich in marine life. |
Maverick's dive site: 25 - 28m deep.
Mavericks is situated in the Malongane Bay .
It is an extension of Malongane's deeper reef system, and is one of Malongane's deeper dives for more experienced divers.
In the middle of the sand
is a pinnacle rock that is 20m across & 30m long.
There is also has a host of marine life.
The reef itself is covered in beautiful hard and soft coral and mushroom coral can also be found, |
Texas dive site; This reef is between 9 - 19 metres deep.
It is one of the larger coral reefs at Ponta Malongane, hence the name.
There is a big gully in the centre of this reef and the more daring divers seeking adventure, can swim through the arches and under the overhangs where moray eels can be found. This factor is a highlight of a dive on Texas reef.
Various corals like, Plate, Staghorn and table are to be found here, as well as a wide variety of marine life, like cowries, nudibranchs, starfish and giant clams.
The major part of the reef is flat but there are drop offs and caves on the inshore side of the reef.
Texas is one of the prettier reefs and is a delight to divers who lean to studying and identifying corals and marine growth and the different species of fish. You cannot appreciate this reef with just one dive so you have to come back for a repeat or two.
Because this reef is relatively shallow divers have more than enough time to enjoy the wonders of Texas. It must be pointed out that Texas is so close to the shore, you cannot dive this reef with a big swell running. |
Bass City dive site: 20 - 25m deep.
This is one of the best known of Ponto’s dive sites. situated just off the Madejanine Point.
It is about a 20 - 30 min. boat ride from Ponta Do Ouro depending on the weather.
Bass city is famous for the giant territorial potato bass that make these five interesting mounds of reef their home.
They keep a watchful eye on the diving groups and are extremely inquisitive.
Bert, the divers friend, is famous throughout the waters of southern Mozambique and Bass City is his residence. He is the only potato bass that will come and swim with you.
A series of seven rocky outcrops which are home to 4-6 large potato bass.
There are emperor angelfish, lion fish, moray eels, black cheek eel and at the north end you will find Garden Eels on the sandy bottom.
Brown stingrays and octopus, as well as juvenile fish are plentiful and baitfish huddle together in tight shoals over the reef as game fish come to feed on them, causing the shoals to dart and jink in desperate attempts to escape.
There are also many different rays like, Blue Spotted, Marble Electric and Ribbon Tail Ray. These are found either under the ledges or swimming across the reef.
The reef itself is covered with many different types of sea weed and plants and boxer shrimp and mantis shrimp are also found. |
Pinnacles dive site: 28 - 40m deep.
Here you dive on the edge of a continental shelf and is not recommended for inexperienced divers. The best time to dive this reef is during the summer months.
It is about a 20 - 30 min. boat ride from Ponta Do Ouro and is very dependant on weather conditions.
Pinnacles is best during summer when shoals of game fish are encountered.
This reef is 5 km out to sea and diving here can be very different from the inshore reefs.
Paradise Ledge dive site: 12 - 18 metres deep
This is a chance to experience an under water paradise, hence the name.
See beautiful
corals, tremendous gullies and overhangs can be swam under, where moray eels live in their cracks and holes, as well as a wide variety of reef fish.
Paradise Ledge is a large reef with a depth off 9 to 17 metres. It is predominantly a rock reef,
but some coral species can be found here.
As the shallow parts of this reef tend towards the flat and bland side, the best place to dive is on the seaward side.
Here the reef slopes into the sand with a variety of cracks and overhangs.
On days when the current is strong this reef is perfect to dive on as you can just sit back and enjoy the ride.
Red Fang Triggerfish are in abundance on Paradise Ledge and one sees them everywhere in mid water going about their business of keeping competitors out of their territory, even the odd diver gets helped along if they stray
into this territory. |
Water temperature is 30°C in summer and 25°C during winter.
The Gap
This site is on the way to Ponta Maunhane and about 20 minutes by boat from Pemba going south.
The continental shelf "drop off" is very close to land. and less than a kilometre from shore the shelf drops almost vertically down from 15m to 100 m.
This is an area where a lot of big game fish occur.
There is a shallow wall dive - about 4m to 12m - off the northern peninsula of Pemba Bay.It is about 15 to 20 minutes by boat, from the dive resorts. Unfortunately because it lies close to cliffs on land, it can only be dived in good weather conditions.
There are overhangs and caves full fish, crayfish and marine life .
Pyro Banks
This reef is in the same area as The Gap, and is a shallow reef, - 5m to 15m.
There is a vast amount of fish and marine life on this coral reef and is an experience that you will want to repeat.
Ponta Saide Ali
Not far from Playground, is another coral reef which slopes from 2m down to about 21m.
River Mouth
At the mouth of the Tari River is a reef between 3m and 24m deep.This reef consists of big boulders everywhere.
The river mouth affects the visability so the best time to dive is at high tide.
There are lots of big potato bass to be seen here. |
Brindle Bass Ridge (North Point)
This large reef has a maximum depth of 18 metres and features impressive concentrations of snappers, angelfish, rubberlips, brindle bass and reef sharks. An unusual depression, The Toilet Bowl, is lined with dazzling soft corals.
Potholes (North Point)
A series of shallow potholes at a depth of about 12 metres, this site can be dived only in flat conditions. You fin from pothole to pothole and the larger ones often shelter black-tail reef sharks. Other potholes are lined with soft corals and have interesting tunnels to explore.
Manta Ray Reef (North Point)
This is a flat reef at a maximum depth of 15 metres where schools of fish such as crescent-tailed big eyes and blue-banded snappers are regularly encountered. The reef has spectacular concentrations of anemones sheltering both nose-stripe and two-bar clownfish. The reef is also frequented by green turtles.
Rainbow Runner Reef (North Point)
This reef has a maximum depth of 25 metres (on spring high tide) where divers should concentrate on watching the open ocean above the sea floor. Manta (in season) and spotted eagle rays, potato and brindle bass, kingfish, rainbow runner, green jobfish and Zambezi sharks pass through this area. The reef also has impressive accumulations of green-tree and whips corals.
Turtle Ridge (North Point)
A narrow ridge at a depth of 14 metres, frequented by turtles and game fish such as barracuda.
Five-Mile Reef
Situated off the south-eastern beaches of Bazaruto, this reef is not as diverse as Two-Mile Reef and is therefore not a favourite among local dive masters. Some divers have seen Zambezi sharks in the 10-metre shallows. Five-Mile has a very interesting bottom structure and the outside ledge is occasionally visited by large pelagics.
Two-Mile Reef
A short barrier reef protecting a narrow channel between Bazaruto and Benguerra. It's particularly well known for its excellent snorkelling sites inside the reef such as Aquarium, as well as for a host of exciting dives on the outside. The dives range between six and 21m. The flat-topped reef supports a colourful diversity of hard and soft corals, with a highlight being the numerous schools of reef fish such as coachman, fusilier, snapper and surgeon. Schools of large pelagic and reef fish also frequent the area and there's a chance of encountering potato bass; kingfish; barracuda; devil fire fish and honeycomb ray's and reef sharks. Occasionally, in season, manta rays have been spotted here. |
Medjumbe Island dive sites
Medjumbe Island has around it, some of Mozambique's really beautiful coral reef dive sites.This island lies between the northern Mozambique coastline and next to the Mozambique Channel.
In August and October Hump Back Whales are often seen on their yearly migration.
There is a fantaststic abundance of marine life to be seen all very close to the resort on this island.
Southern Medjumbe dive sites
Dusky Pinnacle
A small coral reef 8 - 15 metres deep.
Joe's Ridge
This coral reef is about 10m - 15m deep.
Turtles are often seen making their way to the deeper waters.
Neptune's Nursery
This is a hard coral reef 10 - 15 metres deep and is a relatively flat reef with beautiful delicate coral formations.
Quarmby's Reef 16m
This quite a large flat mainly soft coral reef about 15 metres deep.
Shallow Hal's
This shallow dive site - 8m to 12m has beautifuly coloured tropical reef fish and dazzling coloured coral to be enjoyed by all visiting divers to this reef.
Sita's Shallow Reef 10m - 18m
There are 3 small coral banks close to each other and between 10 to 20 metres deep. |
Northern Madjumbe dive sites
Cliffs of Insanity
This is a vertical Wall dive site from 25 - 40 metres deep and definitely for advanced divers
There are lots of overhangs and ledges rich in hard and soft corals. Lots of game fish such as Barracuda are seen here.
Laura's Leap
There is a channel to the north of Medjumbe Island which is about 800 deep and about 7km's wide named "Lauras Leap" which is for advanced and experienced divers.
To the south of this reef is a vertical wall which drops from 15m into the depths below. There are many ledges and overhangs on this wall, that divers can explore is a wall equal to any in the world and certainly of world class status.
Rocha Rocks 12-30m
This is an intermediate reef from 10 - 30 metres deep.
Lots of marine species of plant and fish life is found on this reef.
Sambi Sambi
This reef is exposed at low spring but is from 10 - 40 metres deep.There is a drop off on the eastern side to over 80m.
The Edge of Reason
This is avertical wall dive for advanced divers - 15 to 25 metres deep.
The southern wall forms part of the "Medjumbe Passage" and gives way to deepwaters. The top ledge lies between 15m and 24m and runs east to west.
The Far Side • Sloping Wall 9-23m
Here you have a sloping reef from 9 to 25 metres. This reef is also exposed at high spring tides but is a hard coral reef. Definitely a reef not to be missed.
Mozambique scuba diving, Mozambique Dive Sites, Mozambique Dive Centres, diving with dolphins, Mozambique coral reefs, Mozambique diving destinations, Mozambique coral reefs, snorkeling in Mozambique |